It was just one short month ago that I posted about not having an Alexa ranking. I was on a quest (okay, maybe I was just really curious) to obtain a ranking and figure out how to see more traffic come my way. Well, I can’t say Alexa has been responsible for a swarm of traffic to this site in the last month, or any for that matter, but miraculously I now do have a ranking. I’d say it’s a pretty good one too for only one month.
I installed the Alexa Firefox browser plugin on all my computers, but that’s about it. I’d have to say the consistency of posting new content has been the sole reason for the trickling of traffic and the ranking. My next step is to actually install the Alexa widget on my site to see if the visitors arriving here can help each time the widget reloads. Could this make a difference? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll check back in another month and hope for further improvement in both rank and traffic.

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