You may be realizing your failure is a product of your choices, and I’m no different. I’m a bit of a nonconformist. Sometimes I’m that way because I’ve given something considerable thought and come to a conclusion that I don’t agree with prevailing wisdom or tradition. (Like wakes. I don’t get it) Other times I feel like my nonconformity is a byproduct of not being comfortable in a situation.

Social media is a good example. I don’t have any personal accounts on any social media sites. I may have signed up and toyed with them for certain websites I’ve built, but most of those accounts suffered the same abandonment as the associated website. We’re getting to a point where not having a Facebook account is considered abnormal or suspicious. Pretty ridiculous, huh? I much prefer the Kristen Wiig approach to social media.

The real question is if you can remain a private person while still running a successful blog. Most blog authors I’ve read will say you need to be transparent and use your real name and a professional looking head shot. For some reason I have yet to discover, this makes me uneasy, but I’m working on it. I may have a solution in the works that will make everyone happy.  Hint

I guess I can see how using your real name and picture can help if that’s what you want to brand, but maybe I don’t want to be the brand. Maybe I’d prefer to brand the website name or some product or service I offer on it. Take GrammarGirl for example. I have no idea who is behind that pseudonym, and I don’t care, but I’ve searched for the nickname on countless occasions to find her site when I have questions on sentence structure. I’m not saying it’s bad advice to use your own name. I’m saying I don’t think it’s the only way.

There appears to be popular opinions on what to do to succeed in the blogging world. Whether or not you follow them is up to you. Frankly, if none of it bothers you, I would try and emulate all I could from the popular bloggers. There’s a reason manufactured boy bands do pretty well. They take a very formulaic approach. The same is likely true for blogging. Do what you see working for others.

As a bit of a blogging cowboy, I’ll read all the advice I can get my hands on and include as many parts as I can tolerate into my own website. My problem is I have my own hang ups about what I am willing to do or not. I’d rather blaze my own trail and hope I can still reach Sutter’s Mill in due time.

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