I’m starting to realize that there’s not a lot of tricks to building a sticky website. I’m constantly scouring the internet for the best tips on attracting more visitors to my website, yet time and time again I find the same advice that can be summed up in three words. Create quality content.

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It’s not the most glamorous thing to talk about, but I have to tell you that in my limited experience, it’s the one that works. I’m not saying you should stop adding your site to search engines and directories, or to stop building backlinks, or cease submitting press releases and articles. What I’m saying is if you add quality content often enough, people will end up finding you anyway.

Even the word “quality” is debatable and I’m a perfect example. I know I’m primarily writing for myself on this site because I love finding new website software. I’m not weaving magic with my words here. I’ll leave that to the poets. However, I do hope there are others like me out there who might somehow benefit when they find a new (to them) script on this site.

I think the handful of traffic building tip examples I mentioned (directories, articles, press releases, etc.) all work, but they’re more like the branches of the tree while your new content is the trunk of the tree. You need the content (base) first before you can announce it elsewhere (branches). Am I deep with these analogies or what? 😉

In my many searches for creating a higher trafficked web site, I’ve come across a particular website time and time again. You can tell that the individual running the site takes the time to create compelling content for his readers and he’s truly reaping the benefits. The site is also a testament to the fact that you don’t need a flashy website to be super successful. The site is StevePavlina.com.

I’m posting a link back to his site for two reasons. The first is that there are some incredibly helpful articles and interesting reads. I highly suggest you click on over and spend some time over there. Make sure you give yourself ample time if you’re going to visit because Steve often writes lengthy articles. The second is in relation to the title of this post. In his article on building a high traffic website, he speaks of creating valuable content and a number of other priorities for reaching this goal. I don’t think I could put it any better than Steve, so go read it, learn it, and live it.

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