I come across and utilize a lot of different utilities and scripts in my technology related job. Luckily, I have plenty of space on a corporate file share to store all of these helpful files so I always know where to find them when I need them. The file share works great for now, but what happens down the road when I’m no longer employed by the same company? Unless I copy my accumulated data over to a hard drive or some place else, all these useful tools might be lost.

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I’ve always wanted to put them in one centralized place where they would always be accessible no matter where I work. I figure a software repository site is the ideal solution because if I can get online, I can get to my data.

The eSoftScript software repository script caught my eye because the demo looks just like Download.com. (Both links will open in new windows if you want to compare) The site looks like it’s packed with all the features you’d ever need to run a fairly large repository site. Visitors have the ability to create an account in order to upload software, but in addition to that, they can submit reviews and rate software as well.

Last month I briefly mentioned the iDevSpot Software Repository script when I was contemplating offering downloads here as well. I still think that is a decent script too, but I’m undecided on which would work best in this situation. If I wanted to keep the online technical toolbox smaller and more private, iDevSpot might be ideal. If I wanted to grow it into something bigger, eSoftScript might have the edge.

The one thing that I find kind of a bummer is I’ve yet to find an attractive open source software repository. There’s certainly no shortage of quality repository scripts out there, but what most lack is a decent, usable out of the box design.

Getting back to my initial idea, it would be extremely helpful to have all my files available where ever I am in the world. I know this could be achieved by utilizing a number of other upload sites offering free space, but that gives me no pleasure because I wouldn’t get to try out some new repository software from time to time. I want to be able to install it, configure it, run it, own it, break it, and then have to test out yet another repository script to either improve or replace it.

It’s probably a good thing I’m not a programmer because the way my mind jumps around wanting to try new things, I’d probably be wasting my time attempting to create a multitudinously functional script that would be a bit too ambitious. It’s the social networking cms event calendar photo battle script with url shortening that has a forum, an attached help desk, an ecommerce store, built in classified email marketing, and an article site link directory. Oh, and it can also balance your check book.

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