I stumbled upon a post the other day that provided some tips for increasing your Alexa ranking. Since this site doesn’t even have a ranking yet, I figure it would be a good idea to get one. I forget where I saw the article, but I was more impressed with the idea rather than the tips. Yes, I want to increase (obtain) an Alexa ranking, but how? The tips I saw were so vague or general that it almost felt condescending. “Use social networking, get a post on the front page of Digg, buy advertising, etc.” Yeah, no kidding. Thanks for the overly obvious tips. I know lists are very popular, but without some explanation, they’re all fluff and of no real use to the visitor. That new content might get your new page picked up by the search engines and get you some new traffic, but your bounce rate is going to be high. I would much rather read an entire article/post dedicated to one of those things with detailed explanations on how to use them most effectively.
Well, I took what I could out of the article and installed the Alexa toolbar to visit my own site. I also installed the Firefox Search Status plugin. Maybe those will at least get me on my way to a ranking. Hopefully I can find better information about it soon. I’m not sure the Alexa rank would even be a good measure of true traffic since (as far as I know) the users would need to have the toolbar installed to be counted. Being that it still seems to be quite relevant to advertisers, I’ll still strive to improve this ranking as soon as I get one.
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