I received an email from BlogCatalog that my submission to have this site included in their directory has been denied. I went through the list and I’m kind of stumped as to why my submission was declined. It’s not like they come right out and tell you exactly why either. The email reminded me of an answer you get from the cable company when you’re trying to get them to show up at a certain time. They won’t commit to an exact time (reason), but they’ll give you a window of time (many possible reasons). I went through this list of the possible suspects and I’m stumped.

- I had a link to Blog Catalog on my site. (I just removed it since I was declined.
- My site is a blog.
- My site is not for commercial purposes or spam.
- Although this blog has only been live for a couple months, I still have over fifty posts on it.
- There is no pornographic content on my site.
- There is not a typo in the url I submitted.
I’m a bit bummed about this minor set back, but it just gives me more time to find other blog networks instead. BlogCatalog might be great, but it will have to wait for me. I’ll throw it on the back burner for now and revisit it again at some point down the line.
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